AutoHack OS: Black Hat ASIA 2023

Operating System for Automotive Penetration Testing
Do you want to Rev Up Your Car Pen-Testing Game? Here, the time has come for you. Tech developer Ravi Rajput has developed software that can level up your pentesting experience double. It allows you to explore much more than your previous pentesting projects on AI.
This year Double the Game with this “AutoHack OS” launched on May 11-12, introduced by Black Hat ASIA, 2023. Following is the description related to Ravi Rajput, the creator of AutoHack OS.
Ravi Rajput (Frustrated Researcher)
Security Manager @ Exela Technologies
The researcher, Mr. Ravi Rajput, has introduced this amazing AutoHack OS for practitioners. Moreover, the below lines define his previous experiences and achievements.
- Focusing on Binary exploitation & has experience in automotive testing.
- Ex- Null Ahmedabad chapter lead.
- Speaker at Bsides Delhi, Bsides Maharashtra, Bounty Bash, UnitedCon, and Null Community.
- Core team – Telecom village @DefCon.
What is it?
The AutoHack OS is an operating system that is used for automotive penetration testing purposes by professionals. Most of us might be thinking about this as a new tool for hackers to do some heinous to our automobiles.
However, it’s not like that. Not much has been cleared about this tool yet. But we think it’s a good idea to develop new tech for us. Penetration testing services have been used to provide more detailed information on how to enhance our security measures if there’s a loophole.
Thus, we don’t have to worry about it for now. Other than that, we have a bit of information about it for the practitioners of the IT Sector. It consists of the following things.
- One distribution for anything related to car hacking.
- Supports Multiple Domains (BLE, WiFi, RF, USB).
- Preconfigured Telecom Stack.
- Preconfigured Tools for V2X.
Link to Download
About The Author
Suraj Koli is a content specialist that has expertise in the Cybersecurity and B2B Domains. He has provided his skills for News4Hackers Blog and Craw Security. Moreover, he has written content for various sectors Business, Law, Food & Beverage, Entertainment, and many others. Koli established his center of the field in a very amazing scenario. Simply said, he started his career selling products, we he enhanced his skills in understanding the product and the point of view of clients from the customer’s perspective, which simplified his journey in the long run. It makes him an interesting personality among other writers. Currently, he is a regular writer at Craw Security.
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