An Indian Firm got into Cyber Attacks around 2000+ Weekly

The Education & Research sector experienced heavy cyberattacks. In this incident, Africa and APAC are the two that were highly victimized by cyberattacks.
A firm in India individually got victimized by 2,146 cyber attacks weekly in the past 6 months in comparison to 1,239 attacks that happened to companies worldwide.
The most attacked industries in India include – Healthcare (4,839), Education & Research (3,532), Govt/ Military (3,017), and Insurance/ Legal (2,523).
Since April 2023, the world has seen a growth of 8% in cyberattacks. In these attacks, the education and research sectors are the two that have experienced the highest rate of cyber attacks. The two nations, Africa and APAC, faced the highest yearly cyberattacks.
“Even though we have seen the huge conflict between Russia and Ukraine on online platforms in the past few months, the risks have been normalized since then.”
Even if the crime rate is decreasing, the continuity of threats needs to be enhanced, and improved cybersecurity measures to protect against online threats.
Moreover, adversaries are taking advantage of AI technology by widening the borders of generative AI Chat Platforms such as ChatGPT4.
Since April 2023, a firm out of 44 other companies confronted ransomware attacks showing a reduction of 9% compared to April 2022.
In APAC and Europe, several companies faced ransomware attacks with a 29% & 21% rise.
About Us
Suraj Koli is a content specialist with expertise in Cybersecurity and B2B Domains. He has provided his skills for News4Hackers Blog and Craw Security. Moreover, he has written content for various sectors Business, Law, Food & Beverage, Entertainment, and many others. Koli established his center of the field in a very amazing scenario. Simply said, he started his career selling products, where he enhanced his skills in understanding the product and the point of view of clients from the customer’s perspective, which simplified his journey in the long run. It makes him an interesting personality among other writers. Currently, he is a regular writer at Craw Security.
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