Why Facebook Instagram Whats App Down

hy Facebook Instagram Whats App Down
Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp Down – What’s the reason and solutions are discussed here. Social media sites are down for the longest time that we have ever noticed. On Monday evening, Facebook, Whats app and Instagram went down simultaneously. Users around the globe are reporting that they can not access Facebook, Whats app and Instagram from their devices. All these apps are owned by Facebook and they share the same server infrastructure.
Social media services Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram are back up and running after an outage that lasted almost six hours, Facebook says.
It blamed an internal technical issue, which not only affected Facebook’s services, but reportedly also employees’ work passes and email.
The services were down from about 16:00 GMT until around 22:00 on Monday.
But the company said there was “no evidence that user data was compromised”.
Sheera Frenkel, the New York Times’ technology reporter, told the Today programme part of the reason it took so long to fix was because “the people trying to figure out what this problem was couldn’t even physically get into the building” to work out what had gone wrong.
In a statement, Facebook said that the faulty configuration change affected the company’s internal tools and systems which complicated attempts to resolve the problem.