Phishing Analysis Fundamentals Walkthrough
I have solved Phishing Analysis Fundamentals for try hack me room
So task first is completed because no answer needed only read the content.
Task 2 is completed
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Task 4 is completed.
Our Question is in the attached virtual machine, view the information in email2.txt and reconstruct the PDF using the base64 data. What is the text within the PDF?
Ans. Open Cyber Chef and decode from base64 email.2txt data after that save output file pdf. When open the pdf see the flag.
Task 5 is completed.
Ans. Home Depot
Our second question is What is the sender’s email?
Ans. [email protected]
Our third question is What is the subject line?
Ans. Order Placed : Your Order ID OD2321657089291 Placed Successfully.
• Our fourth question is What is the URL link for – CLICK HERE? (Enter the defanged URL)
• Defang URL from Cyber Chef
Ans. hxxp[://]t[.]teckbe[.]com/p/?j3=3DEOowFcEwFHl6EOAyFcoUFV= TVEchwFHlUFOo6lVTTDcATE7oUE7AUET=3D=3D
Our CTF is Completed
Written By
Name : Aakash Kumar