How Chinese Cyber Crime Gangs Have Made Cambodia and Myanmar Their Safe House To Hide Themselves?

Chinese Cyber Crime Gangs

How Chinese Cyber Crime Gangs Have Made Cambodia and Myanmar Their Safe House To Hide Themselves?

Chinese cybercriminals operating from these countries and conducting massive scams are endangering the lives of Indian technicians as well as people’s life savings.

Cambodia:  This week, the Telangana police nabbed two technicians who were enticed by Chinese-led gangs to perform cyber fraud while stranded in Cambodia and working 16 hours per day.  Not only have these two Indian technicians have been enticed to accept these positions.  In recent years, numerous young Indian IT professionals who were not on the lookout for it have been duped and trafficked into Cambodia and Myanmar, where they are forced to work for Chinese cybercrime syndicates based in those countries.

Last month, the External Affairs Ministry reported that India had rescued and repatriated approximately 250 Indians who had been duped into these positions in Cambodia.  In the past three months alone, 75 individuals have returned home.

According to MEA spokesman RandhirJaiswal, India maintains its determination to eradicate this practice.  The MEA stated in a press release, “We are also collaborating with Cambodian authorities and Indian agencies to apprehend those responsible for these fraudulent schemes.”

According to a separate report by a famous news agency, an estimated 5,000 or more Indians are being held against their will in the Southeast Asian nation and coerced into committing cyber fraud against individuals in their home country.  Over the past half-year, the government estimates that the fraudsters have deceived Indian citizens of a minimum of Rupees 500 crore.

The United States Department of State estimates that these Chinese cybercriminals have coerced over 10,000 individuals from around the world to perform laborious tasks. The estimates from the UN are considerably more alarming.

The United Nations estimates that as many as 120,000 individuals may be detained in compounds throughout Myanmar, with an additional 100,000 being held in Cambodia and other locations under conditions resembling modern enslavement.

These unfortunate people belong to a group other than Indians. Additionally, citizens of Bangladesh, the Philippines, and other nations have been deceived into working for these companies.


On certain occasions, individuals are deceived into believing they will be employed by companies based in Thailand or the Philippines.  However, they are subsequently transported by road to Cambodia, where they are detained and their passports confiscated.

Individuals who fall prey to employment fraud are allegedly then directed to pilfer the life assets of others and, in extreme cases, conduct cyber assaults against foreign governments or non-governmental organizations, according to information cited by another famous news agency, which is supported by sources with knowledge of the situation.

How is Cambodia Taking Preventative Measures?

Cambodia disclosed in 2022 that Thailand, the Philippines, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mongolia, and Malaysia had requested an investigation into the issue of coerced labor and the ‘scamdemic’ for which the country is gaining notoriety.

Additionally, the Cambodian government announced in 2022 that it had rescued approximately 900 individuals from traffickers. However, that action was met with retaliation from Chinese cybercrime gangs, according to a report in the Economic Times. The following year, in October 2023, over twenty government-affiliated organizations were targeted by cybercriminals.

Another region where Chinese cyber traffickers operate without consequence is Myanmar.

According to news agencies, widespread instability and corruption have contributed to the expansion of these organizations in both countries.

How Does China React On This?

The function of China is still clouded.  Western nations accuse the nation of engaging in cyberespionage and launching cyberattacks and other forms of cyber assaults against both governmental and non-governmental organizations

Furthermore, with the assistance of certain influencers, Chinese provincial administrations and politicians reportedly provide support to these organizations, according to the Economic Times.

The Chinese Ministry of Public Security declared on November 18 of the previous year that authorities in northern Myanmar had surrendered an estimated 31,000 suspects.  Officials stated that 63 of them were crucial members of fraudulent organizations.

Pre-pandemic, China was Cambodia’s primary source of international arrivals and a significant generator of its tourism industry.  However, as the country’s ‘scamdemic’ status has increased, tourism has also suffered, according to a Nikkei Asia report.

“When Chinese citizens apply for visas and passports, the police inquire about their destination.” Upon discovering their intended destination, the authorities inform them that Cambodia is a hazardous place. “Among the 240 attendees, one hundred did not show up,” a tour organizer was quoted by the news agency as saying.


About The Author:

Yogesh Naager is a content marketer who specializes in the cybersecurity and B2B space.  Besides writing for the News4Hackers blog, he’s also written for brands including CollegeDunia, Utsav Fashion, and NASSCOM.  Naager entered the field of content in an unusual way.  He began his career as an insurance sales executive, where he developed an interest in simplifying difficult concepts.  He also combines this interest with a love of narrative, which makes him a good writer in the cybersecurity field.  In the bottom line, he frequently writes for Craw Security.


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