Children’s porn videos not make you criminal, know what law

Under Operation Masoom in Delhi by Delhi Police
The Cyber Cell of the Special Cell has arrested more than 100 people within two days for sending child pornography videos through social media. They have been arrested under Operation Masoom.
New Delhi: Under Operation Masoom in Delhi by Delhi Police, more than 100 people have been arrested within two days. Under this operation, those people are being arrested who have forwarded sexual videos related to children. Actually, broadcasting or forwarding sexual content related to children is an offense under section 67B of the IT Act. But most of the people caught were not aware of this law.

According to Cyber Cell DCP KPS Malhotra, sharing sexual content related to children on any platform is a crime. To prevent such cases, a special drive is being run by Delhi Police under Operation Masoom Delhi Police. During this, more than 170 FIRs have been registered under the IT Act in different police stations of Delhi (Delhi police file FIR on child pornography) and more than 100 people have been arrested within two days.
It is these people who forwarded pornographic videos related to children. Many of these people have not been arrested. They have been instructed to join the investigation.
Cyber expert Mohit Yadav said that making and broadcasting pornographic videos of children below the age of 18 years is a serious crime. Be it a video or a photo, forwarding both is an offense under the IT Act. Section 67B of the IT Act is imposed against those who transmit pornographic videos or photos related to minors in electronic form. This section is being used by Delhi Police.
In this, if the crime of the accused is proved, then he may have to pay a jail term of 5 years and a fine of up to 10 lakh rupees. Not only this, if someone is caught in such an offense for the second time, then he may have to pay a jail term of 7 years and a heavy fine of Rs 10 lakh.
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Cyber expert Mohit Yadav said that such searches on Google have been increasing continuously in the last few days. People should keep in mind that if they are searching such a kind of website then it is also a legal offense. They should keep in mind that if they have gone to such a website by mistake, then immediately come out from there and do not search such website again.
Many agencies of the Government of India monitor the people visiting such websites and share the information of such people with the police. After this, the police register an FIR against such people and arrest them.
Also read: No good to those who share child pornography videos, in action mode, Delhi Police
told that if someone sends such obscene videos on your mobile, then you should delete it immediately. Not only this, you should make him aware that sending this type of video is a legal offense. If you feel, you can also complain to the police regarding this whole matter. For this, your children should also be made aware. He told that the campaign and other investigations being run by Delhi Police in this way will definitely bring down the crime against children in the coming times.