After the Anti-India Actions, Maldives Home Ministry Website Got Hacked

After the Anti-India Actions, Maldives’ Home Ministry Website Got Hacked
Do you know, what’s currently happening in the previous headline topic place “Maldives” or you can say “Lakshadweep?” Well, after the Anti-India Actions, Maldives’ Home Ministry Website got hacked.
Adhadhu, News Firm, Report, Sunday
A warning has been posted on the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology of the Maldives’ official website following a compromise.
In a statement published on the main page of the website, a group known as “Indian Cyber Force” claimed credit for the breach. Since the relations between Male and New Delhi worsened due to disparaging remarks made by three Maldivian ministers, who have since been suspended, against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, there have been multiple hacking incidents. Recently, comments expressed disparagingly against Prime Minister Modi appeared on the Facebook page of the Auditor General’s Office and the website of the Juvenile Court, both purportedly targeted by Indian hackers. |
The hacking was done “in response to the Maldives’ anti-India action”, the message said. “This is just the beginning of the destruction, we will bring more to you,” it stated. The Maldives should remember its history and how India had helped whenever the country needed help.
However, the home ministry said the website was down due to a “technical problem”. “Work is ongoing on solving the problem.” |
After Mohamed Muizzu took over in Male, the bilateral relationship between India and the Maldives drastically deteriorated. Due to Muizzu’s pro-Chinese and ‘anti-India’ acts, India’s perceptions have shifted, despite the country always being the first to respond to crises in the island nation.
Concerns about the Muizzu government’s anti-Indian posture were raised by the main opposition parties in the Maldives last month when Male let China’s research vessel to land at one of its ports. The “most long-standing ally” of the Maldives, India, was emphasized by the two opposition parties.
Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and the Democrats
“It seems that the current administration is taking a sharp turn in the direction of being anti-Indian. Both the Democrats and the MDP think it will be disastrous for the nation’s long-term growth to alienate any development partner, particularly its longest-standing ally.” |
About The Author
Suraj Koli is a content specialist with expertise in Cybersecurity and B2B Domains. He has provided his skills for the News4Hackers Blog and Craw Security. Moreover, he has written content for various sectors Business, Law, Food & Beverage, Entertainment, and many others. Koli established his center of the field in a very amazing scenario. Simply said, he started his career selling products, where he enhanced his skills in understanding the product and the point of view of clients from the customer’s perspective, which simplified his journey in the long run. It makes him an interesting personality among other writers. Currently, he is a regular writer at Craw Security.